What is your greatest desire?

It's not you that's blocking it.

It's your trauma.

Heal your trauma,

Magnetise your greatest life yet.



What is your greatest desire?

It's not you that's blocking it.

It's your trauma.

Heal your trauma,

Magnetise your greatest life yet.


Pathway to Happiness is a revolutionary multi-modality intimate group programme designed to guide you to your biggest breakthrough ever, through a 6 month in person container that supports you to unlock the happiness on the other side of your trauma. You'll experience Trauma Alchemy Breathwork, cacao ceremonies, sacred rage, energy healing + much more, plus you'll also be guided by some of the best London based facilitators and healers.

Through the course of the programme, we'll be guiding you safely through what I call our Pandora's Box; the pain, shame, grief, sadness + fears that we all have - to the bottom, where joy, lightness and peace live. When we expand our tolerance for discomfort down into the depths of our trauma, we also expand our capacity to experience happiness and joy.

A 6 Month Container

Go deeper, gain momentum.


That's right. Starting Jan 3rd 2024 + finishing June 5th, we meet in Central London every Wednesday after work for 2 hours of ceremony. The container holds max. 10 women.


We appreciate that this is a big commitment. That's why we break during school holidays; we have 5 weeks off in total over the 6 months. That's almost a week off every month.


It's no secret that we go deep in this container, but imagine alchemising along with your new healing besties, guided by your favourite trauma alchemist + a carefully curated selection of healers + facilitators. POWERFUL AF.


Create safety in your body + in community. 

We can only go as deep as we feel safe, so this step is crucial. We'll work with the nervous system, step into our vulnerability + sit in ceremony with cacao.

Release trauma. 

The deep work begins. We grow when we experience challenge. It's intense at parts. This makes up the bulk of the programme and is split into three phases. This is where we alchemise.


When we create space through releasing trauma, we can choose to intentionally fill that space. Joy, love, freedom, peace...what will you choose? Shamanic journeying, coaching, receiving support.

Enjoy the fruits.

A time to celebrate how far we've come + look to the future. Coaching, ecstatic dance + a special inspirational guest talk.

This programme doesn't exist anywhere else in the world.

  • Learn how to regulate your nervous system whenever, wherever
  • Learn how to get what you want in relationships
  • Discover your innate femininity
  • Heal your inner child
  • Express your rage
  • Learn to love yourself again
Sign Up

Phase 1: Building Safety

Opening cacao ceremony

Embodiment practice

Nervous System Alchemy

Receiving Yin Circle

Guest Session: Feminine Embodiment with Iman @healingwithiman  

Phase 3: Integration

Guest Session: Shamanic Plant Spirit Ceremony with Desiree @sacredwisemagick

Guest Session: Angel Whispering with Urvashi @iamunlimitedurvashi

Power Coaching

Phase 2: Trauma Alchemy

Trauma Alchemy Breathwork

Sacred Rage Ceremony

Guest Session: Inner Child Healing with Henika @henika.x

Self Love Ceremony

Forgiveness Activation

Yin Circle + Q&A

Guest Session: Trauma Release Womb Healing with Desiree @sacredwisemagick

Happiness Coaching + Q&A

Phase 4: Celebrating the Journey

Guest Session: Being Authentically You with TBC

Movement is Medicine with TBC  


“I had even deeper transformations than I could anticipate. I feel more energised, the critical voice has subsided and it's more just cheering me on - that's huge...years of stuck energy that I feel we moved. I didn't even think I was ready or wanted to develop at that speed or to go to those depths. But you helped us do it and it didn't feel traumatic at all!"


"As a person who has experienced trauma, illness and many times of difficulty, finding Rehmat has been magical and a blessing in releasing things that were buried inside of me that even I didn't know. Rehmat has taught me to bring myself back to me so I can be the best version of myself for me and others. I notice a shift in my thinking, feel more positive and feel uplifted every time I have worked with her doing breathwork, ice baths or cacao ceremonies. I usually would never speak about things but I am not scared to be vulnerable or cry (or laugh) in her sessions! She always knows exactly what I need without me saying anything. Her intuition and understating of trauma is incredible. She shares her gifts with open arms and makes all feel welcome. She is sensitive to people's needs and will gently push you out of your comfort zone for true growth to maximise your potential, which I definitely couldn't do on my own."




“I had even deeper transformations than I could anticipate. I feel more energised, the critical voice has subsided and it's more just cheering me on - that's huge...years of stuck energy that I feel we moved. I didn't even think I was ready or wanted to develop at that speed or to go to those depths. But you helped us do it and it didn't feel traumatic at all!" -Megan

"As a person who has experienced trauma, illness and many times of difficulty, finding Rehmat has been magical and a blessing in releasing things that were buried inside of me that even I didn't know. Rehmat has taught me to bring myself back to me so I can be the best version of myself for me and others. I notice a shift in my thinking, feel more positive and feel uplifted every time I have worked with her doing breathwork, ice baths or cacao ceremonies. I usually would never speak about things but I am not scared to be vulnerable or cry (or laugh) in her sessions! She always knows exactly what I need without me saying anything. Her intuition and understating of trauma is incredible. She shares her gifts with open arms and makes all feel welcome. She is sensitive to people's needs and will gently push you out of your comfort zone for true growth to maximise your potential, which I definitely couldn't do on my own." - Meena





I'm Rehmat: The Trauma Alchemist + someone who really walks the walk. I 'stumbled' into trauma healing a few years ago when I ran a series of mental health interventions in inner-city London schools. As part of the work, I was sent on trainings to identify and support children with trauma...long story short, this triggered memories that had laid completely dormant of my own childhood traumas, and I had no choice but to alchemise them or live in misery. Obviously I chose the former, and it was the best decision I ever made! It's become my life's work to support other women through their own trauma alchemy, so they don't feel alone, unsafe or spend years trying to heal what can be healed in weeks or months with the right support. I'm living proof that trauma can be alchemised, no matter how big or small, and I'm excited to celebrate your pathway to happiness.



I have curated a team of only the very best, most powerful guest facilitators to assist you with your trauma healing journey - these people are experts in their own right and we are an absolute force when we all come together!

Henika Patel

Founder of the School of Sensual Arts

Offering a unique blend of her cultural lineage through the Eastern ancient traditions with her studies in Western arts and psychotherapy, Henika is leading the sensual revolution and helping people worldwide to reclaim their sensual power. In the programme, Henika will be facilitating a session on inner child healing.

Desiree Diaz

Founder, Sacred Wise Magick

I am a witch, shamanic practitioner, energy healer, womb healing and women circle facilitator.

In all my offerings I create a sacred space for you to feel held and experience a connection to your sacred magick. Through my close relationship with Plant Spirits, I facilitate a deeper connection to nature and guidance and healing that the Plant Spirits want to share with us. In the Pathway to Happiness Programme Desiree will be holding a womb healing ceremony and a shamanic plant medicine ceremony.

Chintal Kakaya

Founder, The Sacred Haveli

I’m Chintal and I empower and support Stressed, anxious, overwhelmed souls to HEAL- releasing energy blocks, trauma (childhood, ancestral, generational….) and limiting beliefs to reclaim your inner power, peace, freedom and joy so that you can lead a healthy, happy and purpose aligned life. In the Pathway to Happiness Programme Chintal will facilitate a theta healing, energetic alignment and a space to release what's surfacing.

Iman Mabrouk

Founder, Healing with Iman

Born in the enchanting land of Egypt, Iman inherits a powerful lineage of mysticism, timeless magic and ancient healing traditions. Through her expressions of love and wisdom, ritual and ceremony, Iman guides women to release limits, integrate their shadow and give birth to their highest potential. In the Pathway to Happiness Programme, Iman will guide us through a feminine embodiment practice working with the feminine archetypes.


Movement is Medicine

Movement is Medicine™ is the neuroscience-backed method.

You're guided through a seated body-focused meditation to help you find your rhythm, which moves into freeform dance to a specifically curated playlist of our favourite rhythmic genres such as reggae, dancehall, house, drum n bass + more to help you shake away your stress and come out of the head and into the body.


LGBTQIA+ Speaker

A talk + activation on being unapologetically yourself, stepping into your authenticity + sharing that with the world without shame or fear.


  • A 6 month container of carefully curated sessions, created and held with love throughout by Rehmat, an expert in trauma (priceless)
  • Weekly in-person trauma alchemy sessions for 6 whole months, with 7 different facilitators (value £9500)
  • WhatsApp support from your healing besties (priceless)
  • Gift bag (value £150)

Value: £9,650

You Pay: £6,000+


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Pathway to Happiness


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Pathway to Happiness - Pay Monthly


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P2H 18 Month Payment Plan


What is your greatest desire? Imagine it’s already here. How do you feel?

Still unsure? Book a discovery call to check if it's the right fit for you.